Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Bobcat Spotted in the Shores

Provided By Planet Rockwall
The Shores -- Sunday, at 4:45 PM, a Bobcat was seen running across the street on North Lakeshore Drive, near the school, headed towards the wooded area. The Shores Homeowners Association again reminds residents to use CAUTION.
All small animals are game; small dogs and cats. "A cat left out over night is just a 'snack'...Remember Bobcats can climb trees, as well."
It is somewhat unusual the Bobcat is being seen frequently in the daytime. The sightings suggest he lives close by. As long as he has a food source here, he will stay. The best way to get him to move on is to NOT allow food for him. Keep cats inside at night and never leave pet food outside. Do not leave small dogs unattended.
There are over 130 homes in the immediate area - tell your neighbors.
Shores HOA
Rockwall, Texas

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