Wednesday, January 5, 2011

MTV in Rockwall

Provided By Planet Rockwall

For a period of over 3 months, Eclipse Fitness on Lake Ray Hubbard was the setting for MTV crews as they came to Rockwall to follow the progress of a local teen chosen to take part in a new MTV series. The series, "I Used To Be Fat" shares the experiences of six overweight teens as they allow viewers a glimpse into their struggles to get back into shape and lead healthy lifestyles.

Throughout the series, cameras capture each individual from their final weeks of high school through their first days of college. The teens work with trainers and nutrionists to lose large amounts of weight - ranging from 40 to 100 pounds. Each one-hour episode focuses on a different teenager, each one seeking to make a drastic lifestyle change.

Throughout the season viewers will meet:

Dominick, a 306-pound teen who withdrew from high school life;

Marci, of Rockwall, who cures loneliness with fast food, and is home schooled due to the torment she faced in school because of her weight;

Jordan who has channeled his anger toward his alcohol-addicted mom into a food addiction.

With the help of dedicated personal trainers, the young stars of the show work to shed the weight that has kept them from living healthy, normal lives.

Marci's experiences were filmed at Eclipse Fitness, and various Rockwall locations. Scott Moerschell, Eclipse Fitness owner and trainer, said trainers and nutrionists worked with the teen 2 to 3 days a week over a period of 3 months. He stated Marci was initially shy and uncomfortable being the center of attention, but gradually gained confidence during the filming of her journey.

"Filming at Eclipse took place between 11 AM and 4 PM," Moerschell said, "In an attempt to avoid peak hours when there are more members using the gym." Eclipse Fitness members who were at the gym didn't seem to mind being "on set." Those who may see themselves on television, were asked to sign releases from the network.

On Wednesday night, January 5 at 9 p.m., Rockwall, and the nation, can watch Marci's episode as it airs on MTV.

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